The company Heaven One, located in Hong Kong, launches production in the factories of Thailand and China, new Ritual Products in the form of Jade Crystal, a stone considered sacred in China. These products, with the approval of the Government of China and religious organizations, are included in the list of funeral goods. They give to the family and friends of the deceased the opportunity to honor his memory.
There are enough reserves of Jade in the property. Workshops on cutting of stone, production of packing are connected. The agreements reached with ritual houses, shops and temples in China, Japan, Korea, Singapore and Vietnam guarantee 100% sales of the products.
We offer investors the opportunity to to take part in the production either at the level of equity participation, either through a franchise or at the level of an individual contract.
Ritual products
In Asia, more than 30 million people die each year, and hundreds of millions come to say goodbye to them. At funeral ceremonies it is customary to put together with the deceased a particle, a gift that people believe will definitely help in the afterlife. They are left to the deceased by family members, friends and acquaintances.
This ritual requires the production of a large number of such particles. A jade, chosen as a material for the manufacture of crystals, gives these gifts a high emotional value.
To meet the need of people to honor their loved ones, the company Heaven One launches production of jade crystals in 7 factories in Thailand and China, in large volumes. Crystals will go strict to the ritual houses, shops and temples in China, Japan, Korea, Singapore and Vietnam, which are currently experiencing a shortage in such products.
Given that the production of products will not be able to cover 1% of the market needs, agreements have been reached with ritual agents to purchase the entire volume of manufactured products.
For Investors
The implementation of this project will not only allow millions of people to honor their loved ones, but also offer investors the opportunity to highly profitable and low-risk investment of their funds, due to well-established production, clear logistics, and to the full sale of manufactured products.
We offer to Investors the opportunity to take part in the launch of the project, both on an equity basis and on individual terms. For large investors is offered the opportunity to participate in the work of the company, and full control over the targeted use of funds.
Registration of the company in Hong Kong allows, as it is convenient to enter the market of China, and to work with factories of India, Thailand and Southeast Asia. Reliable, tightly controlled jurisdiction will allow the investor to be calm for his capital. And the possibility of increasing the turnover of the company more than 50 times, gives ample opportunities for further growth of the company.
We can also take into account the possibility to the investor’s exit from the business, by the contract of redemption of its shares, after a certain time. It is possible to sell shares on the free market to another investor.
To take part in the Project, please contact us >>>

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