For manufacturers of oil, gas and mining equipment, we offer to take part in a Business tour to Argentina, with direct negotiations with leading industry participants in the region, as well as visiting the fields of interest.
Buenos Aires – Neuquen: March-April 2020;
Buenos Aires – San Juan: June 1-7, 2020;
During the Business tour, you will spend:
- Business meetings in Buenos Aires, as well as in the provinces of Neuquen and San Juan;
- Visit to the Waka Muerta field in the province of Neuquen;
- Visiting the exhibition and Salars of the province of San Juan. Participation in the exhibition is possible.
List of comprehensive services for organizing a business mission:
• Preliminary preparation of the business tour program, according to the tasks of the delegate company;
• Booking flights, hotels and transfers to BA, by region and back to Russia;
• Organization of business meetings in BA (at least 3 meetings with interested partners);
• Pre-organization of business negotiations in Neuquen and San Juan (at least 3 meetings with interested partners in each region);
• Meeting and accompanying the delegation;
• Simultaneous translation of business negotiations from Spanish to Russian;
• Visit to the Waka Muerta field in Neuquen province;
• Visit of the exhibition and the Salars of the province of San Juan;
• It is possible to book a stand at the exhibition in San Juan / build a stand / contract additional translators for the stand, etc.
Business tour ” Buenos Aires-Neuquen”
The province of Neuquen is located in the South of the country, 1140 km from Buenos Aires, and is one of the most important provinces of Argentina in the development of the oil and gas sector. The largest oil and gas field of Vaka Muerta is located in Neuquen.
Vaca Muerta is a giant shale formation in southern Argentina in the province of Neuquen. It was discovered in 2011 and has one of the world’s largest reserves of shale hydrocarbons. According to the US Department of energy, its reserves are 308 trillion cubic feet of gas and 16.2 billion barrels of oil.
Business tour ” Buenos Aires-San Juan”
San Juan province is located in the West of the country, 1120 km from Buenos Aires. It is one of the most important mining provinces in Argentina.
It has about 50% of the country’s mineral production, including more than 80% of the country’s copper resources. In San Juan, more than 17 gold, silver, lithium, and copper deposits are currently being developed.
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