Investment participation in commodity contracts ProValue

Investment participation in Commodity Contracts

We are engaged in the organization and conduct of transactions for the supply of goods (petroleum products, wheat, sugar, fertilizers, etc.), as part of the execution of international annual contracts.

We provide investors with the opportunity to participate in trading activities on the basis of financial instruments. The trader's company with its money as an advance payment, buys volumes from the resource holder, with subsequent sale to end buyers. Additional participation of the investor will optimize and expand the relationship between the Executive company, the resource holder and the potential buyer, increasing the volume of supply.

When working on a fixed interest, the company undertakes to: accept the instrument, pay % of the amount of financing every 30 days, and return the instrument after 12 months without any encumbrances, or return the monetization amount.


Briefly the main:

  • Nominal value of the financial instrument: from $ 50 million (optimal from $ 200 million)
  • Term of the financial instrument: 1 year
  • Financial instruments: BG / SBLC (protocol of confirmation of the SWIFT MT760)


Option 1: Direct financing.

If the investor is ready to simply transfer money on MT103, the company will be able to accept them, for example, under a commodity contract with the investor, since the company is not financial, but trading, located in the EU, and on it in a year to return the full amount.

Investment, business, profit

Option 2: BG / SBLC + lending.

Investor produces a consistent instrument BG / SBLC, according to the procedure described below. The receiving company in its Bank receives a credit line, and uses these funds in commodity contracts for the supply of energy. After a year, the loan is returned, the encumbrance is removed from the instrument, and it is returned to the investor.

Option 3: BG / SBLC + monetization.

Investor produces a consistent instrument BG / SBLC, according to the procedure described below. The receiving company in its Bank monetizes this tool, and uses these funds in commodity contracts for the supply of energy. A year later, the company returns to the investor 100% of the monetization amount.

Payment of profit will be % of the amount of funds in Euros, under a separate agreement, every 30 days from the date of entry of funds.

Your Heading Here

  1. The company provides draft of General agreement, payment agreement, text of RWA and SWIFT MT760 for BG/SBLC instruments (usually Stand-by Letter of Credit) for approval.
  2. If the Client is satisfied with everything, he fills in his data in the contract, signs and seals, and sends the initialed contract to us. We put signatures on our part.
  3. The customer receives RWA in the Bank electronically and sends it to us by Email. We pass the RWA to the Bank coordinator who appoints the Bank officer who prepares the official response from the Bank "letter of readiness to start a transaction". The coordinator of the Bank defines the account that will be specified in the contract details on the adoption of SWIFT MT760. After receiving a response about the readiness of our Bank to accept a financial instrument, we enter the data of the Bank officer in the contract, as well as the account details for accepting SWIFT MT760. We send a "letter of readiness to start a transaction" to the Client by Email. Thus, we bring together two banks, and then they are shifted directly by themselves.
  4. The issuing party sends the Pre-Advice RWA via SWIFT MT799.
  5. The issuing party issues SWIFT MT760 (BG/SBLC).

Further, the company either receives credit or monetizes this instrument, and every 30 days pays to the investor % of the amount of received funds. The total amount of payments depends on the option which investor takes. A year later, the Company returns either this financial instrument without encumbrances or the full amount of monetization.

Any Suggestion?

Contact us and we will find suitable forms of cooperation.

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