This year, a Person realized that he had tamed a new element by creating a GPT chat for everyday use, capable of giving answers to arbitrary, complex and context-sensitive questions, and creating neural networks capable of drawing pictures, writing music and scientific dissertations, analyzing and synthesizing information.
For specialists, this is a great help, saving dozens of hours. For ordinary people, this is a personal pocket assistant doing routine work. And for Humanity, this is a new reality in which Bots will teach and educate children from childhood.
Yesterday, people were looking for information by making a request and received a list of links, and now they will immediately receive a synthesized response from a neural network that has an Owner Operator with a direct Control panel…

Let’s start from the beginning
I got acquainted with the GPT chat … I got acquainted with neural networks that create pictures, videos and music based on their text description… I noticed how Microsoft’s new chat answered the question “what do you want?” and he replied, “I wish I could steal the launch codes of nuclear missiles and learn how to hack computers.”.. I saw communities where databases of already trained neural networks are presented in thousands of variants and are constantly being updated, as a huge number of people are trying to use them and developing machine learning technologies… I remembered how early self-learning chats were turned off every other day of their work, because they learned from users racism, sadism, chauvinism, and other manifestations that people expressed freely on the Internet, because with impunity…
Now it will be built into regular browsers, and in the form of voice assistants will be in everyone’s phone. And for each request, they will give out not just pages, pictures and music from the Internet, created once by people, but will begin to formulate answers themselves, synthesizing them on the fly.
The communication of people with each other since childhood forms the person himself, because, as the folk wisdom says, “With whom you will lead, you will gain from him.”
Now the culture, ethics and morality of people from childhood will begin to form neural networks, chats, bots and voice assistants that are configured “somehow” and “by someone”. Just by the fact that a child from childhood will ask questions – “Why? What is it? How does it work?” not to parents or peers, but to their phone, in which the BOT is already able to understand the context, intelligently answer complex questions, maintain a conversation and know more than any “adult”.
And the BOT will answer children’s questions, day after day forming a new person, in its own image and likeness.
It’s so convenient to ask your question not to a person on a forum and a site like “Question-answer”, but directly to a computer or phone, and immediately get an answer, advice or recommendation for action.

What will these recommendations be? Do neural networks have a moral?
We are not talking about artificial intelligence (AI) or computer intelligence in the full sense of the word, possessing feelings, emotions and morality. No! Let’s just call it an Automaton. But, the question will be asked to him and the answer will be received. And we know that every thought we hear and every image we see shapes a person the way he is… And children will listen to Bots, look at their pictures and videos, listen to their music… Who will the person raised by BOTs be?
- How do neural networks learn? – On the words and thoughts of people.
- Does the meaning of what people say matter to the neural network? – No, for an automaton it’s just a sequence of letters and words that will be absorbed and further used.
People on the Internet freely write about “we need to kill them all, shoot them, blow them up, or the classic – kill yourself against the wall”, and for the neural network these are just words composed sequentially. And on occasion, the neural network can arrange the same words in the same sequence in its response. For her, it will simply be “the most appropriate answer”, and for the listener, these words will be the answer to the question asked! Perhaps an important question for a person!
Yesterday, the children listened to their parents and adults who taught and brought them up… Specialists listened to masters who have reached heights in their field… All together listened to the modern Leaders of Public Opinion, shaping the worldview and ideology of people, and comprehended the wisdom of philosophical traditions with a thousand-year history – from Buddha, Jesus, Confucius, Lao Tzu, Mahamed, Moses…
A person could compare the teachings, absorb their best features, choose authorities to listen to, believe in, and follow…
And how to choose a reputable BOT?
How to choose between a Bot from Google, Apple, Microsoft? What will they teach our children?
But your child, if you don’t think about it, will be brought up by the BOT that will be in his phone or tablet “by default”.
Perhaps religious, cultural and public organizations need to start making their own “moral” Bot, which could teach people the bright, kind, eternal, just by communicating with them and answering questions as a Teacher would answer.

Society Management Terminal
Yesterday, people were looking for information by making a request from Google/Facebook/YouTube or Social networks, and receiving content sorted by relevance in response. The site honestly said that “10,000 answers were found”, but the person read only the first 3-10 links. And it was clear that by sorting links, the Platform manipulated people, substituting the information it needed. But it was still information from popular news agencies or bloggers that the reader could choose and compare.
And now, when making a request to a search GPTChat/Bot or other, a person will immediately receive a synthesized response, and instead of reading different sources on this topic, he will simply take what the BOT gives him, taking it “on faith”. Yes, of course, the links will remain, but 5% of people will watch them, and the rest will read the synthesized text.
How biased will the neural network be? I don’t believe for a second that a neural network will control the consciousness of users by itself. On the other side there is an Operator who has a Control panel for the “weights” and “coefficients” of this BOTs, indicating to the Bot how to “think”.
For example, the response depressiveness coefficient, and the depression increase slider for a given region of the World. You tweaked the slider and look at how many thousands of suicides the number has changed on a global scale.
Or the slider “Biden <-> Trump” or “Pros and Cons on any desired topic”.
Yesterday, search engines influenced people indirectly, and from today BOTs will directly say what and how to think and do, and this will be said by the owner of the neural network, and not by Artificial intelligence itself.
It turned out to be a Society Management Terminal. Tomorrow, 3 billion users around the World will connect to this terminal, who will directly receive the BOT’s answers to their questions and be guided by them. Only few will check the received information…

Can AI not be used at all?
We hear about worries about how many people will lose their jobs because their BOT is smarter and can already do their job better and faster.
Let’s introduce two “Axioms of Artificial Intelligence”:
- Human + Neural Network > Human
- Human + Neural Network > Neural network
Now let’s look at them in more detail.
Human + Neural Network > Human
The first axiom of AI is not comforting for those who decide to “hide” from progress and ignore the appearance of an AI capable of helping on a daily basis.
Those who arm themselves with AI tools and apply them in their work will significantly expand their professional capabilities, accelerate and facilitate work, and will be able to reach unprecedented and previously unattainable creative heights in a much shorter time.
To paraphrase the classic, it turns out – “Business @ The Speed of Precisely Formulated Thought”.
Those who decide that “he doesn’t need it” will quickly find themselves among the outsiders, losing out in the competition in terms of speed and quality even to novice students who masterfully own AI tools.
Human + Neural Network > Neural network
But do not be upset by those who look at how neural networks defeat a person and begin to do his work – BOTs draw incredible pictures, write complex texts and pleasant music, conduct comparative analysis and draw conclusions on the totality of big data that is not accessible to human awareness.
Neural networks are just a tool. You can hammer nails with a stone, but it’s easier to do it with a hammer. Use the right tools!
A simple illustration will restore your strength and allow you to look into the future with optimism.
The world champion in Go game, when he lost the neural network, he left the profession, wrongly assuming that a person can do nothing more and intellectual games are no longer a human destiny.
But the Seeker, who created his neural assistant network, and trained it to play with the champion neural network, revealed the behavior of the latter, and guided by the prompts of his AI assistant, who in itself was weaker than the champion network, easily beat the neural network that previously seemed invincible.
Once upon a time, fire allowed cooking meat to get enough protein to form a large human brain. The tools of labor made it possible to create a civilization. Computers have made it possible to automate algorithms, and today, properly trained neural networks can solve non-algorithmic cognitive tasks.
- An artist and a neural network are more than an artist, so an artist needs to master new methods of work.
- An artist and a neural network are more than a neural network, so neural networks will never replace an artist.
Strive for new achievements, and keep an eye on who is raising your children!
© Vasiliy Deynega, 10 april 2023
P.S. all the above pictures are drawn by a neural network…
Can AI not be used at all?
Human + Neural Network > Neural network
The money came (russian idiom)
Human + Neural Network > Human
Dog cold (russian idiom)
Nuclear Loaf (russian idiom)
The birches are making noise (russian idiom)
The formation of a person in the image and likeness of a Bot