For advanced agricultural enterprises, farmers and private farms engaged in organic farming, we offer an agricultural product based on lowland peat, which is a complex of biologically active organic substances, especially humic and fulvic acids, which excludes chemical and thermal effects during production.
It is based on an innovative patented green technology of ultrasonic splitting of natural raw materials to the specified nanoscale sizes of 40-60nm in an aqueous medium.
Product is used:
1. As the main organomineral fertilizer, without the use of other fertilizers or chemical plant protection products.
2. As a fertilizer for non-root fertilizing, in combination with the main application of plant protection products, herbicides and any mineral or organic fertilizers.
3. To enhance the energy of germination and germination of seeds.
4. To improve the physical properties of the soil and increase the erosion resistance.
1. A complex of biologically active organic substances: Humic acids, Fulvic acids, Mono and disaccharides, Waxes, paraffins, oils, Cellulose, Lignin.
2. Macro-and Microelements, including: N, P, К Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu, Mo, Mn.
Methods of application:
1. Seed treatment (1-3 liters / mt of seeds);
2. Watering under the root (100-150 liters / hectare);
3. Foliar top dressing (1-3 l/ha for field crops; 5-20 l/ha for large-leaved);
Increase in height:
- Cereals and legumes: 15-20%
- Vegetable crops (cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers): 20-25%
- Industrial crops (sugar beet): 65% (increase in sugar yield)
- Melon crops (watermelon, melon): 20%
- Forage crops, lawn grasses, flowers: 15% – 80%
To get started, tell us your acreage, crop types, current processing methods and fertilizers applied, and we will calculate the required volume of concentrate for you, and offer the best delivery terms. Direct contract with the manufacturer;
Shipment in Russia and for export, with all the necessary documents.

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